Acknowledging Your Inner Struggles
Image provided by ColorJoy Stock
In a world where survival often takes precedence, where the daily grind demands our attention and energy, the concept of inner work can feel like an elusive luxury. For many of us, the pursuit of self-transformation has been overshadowed by the relentless pursuit of basic needs: shelter, safety, and belonging. Perhaps, like me, you were raised in an environment where inner struggles and emotions were secondary to the demands of daily life. Prayer, faith, and resilience were our coping mechanisms, while therapists and self-care days remained foreign concepts. Could we have ever imagined taking a mental health day off from work?!? How drastically the workplace psyche has shifted!
The first step toward any transformation is to acknowledge and accept your inner struggles and emotions. It's human nature to try and pray away our pain, to fast through our challenges, pass the blame, or even to ignore them entirely. I've been there, trying every method to avoid confronting my truth. We are charged with being good stewards of ourselves. This is the ultimate way to be of service to others. How can we pour from an empty, broken cup? True transformation begins with acceptance.
To acknowledge something is to admit its existence and to accept it is to believe in its reality. We often treat our inner selves as invulnerable, as if they exist in a realm untouched by life's trials. But the truth is, our souls bear the brunt of life's challenges while our inner selves yearn for acknowledgment and care.
Dr. Myles Munroe once said, "When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable." We cannot begin to offer ourselves grace, compassion, and care until we acknowledge that we've been neglecting a vital part of ourselves. This process can be uncomfortable at first, but it's essential. Sure, you may not feel in tune with your unique purpose in this world - yet - but God’s purpose for your creation was to love Him, yourself, and others. Just from this alone, you are called to love and care for His beautiful creation that is you.
Embracing your inner struggles is not a sign of weakness but a courageous step toward personal growth and transformation. By acknowledging and accepting these struggles, you set the foundation for a journey that will lead you to a more authentic and resilient self.
Here are some thoughts to ponder during your self-reflection:
What are some of the inner struggles or emotions that you've been avoiding or overlooking in your life?
How might acknowledging these struggles be the first step toward your personal transformation?
What are some of the inner struggles or emotions that you've been avoiding or overlooking in your life?
How might acknowledging these struggles be the first step toward your personal transformation?
Let me know what you think. Has this been encouraging to keep you moving forward? How’s your self-awareness journey coming along?