Why Staying Stuck is Killing Your Vibe

“The easiest thing to talk about and the hardest thing to do is change. Corporations change easier than people do.”
~ Pastor Dr. Jamal Bryant

Change. We all know it’s necessary, but let’s be honest—it’s also terrifying. Whether it’s stepping into a new job, leaving a toxic relationship, or pursuing a dream we’ve kept buried, the idea of doing something different often feels like an uphill battle.

And Pastor Bryant nailed it: even billion-dollar corporations, with all their moving parts and complexities, often adapt quicker than we do. Why? Because people get comfortable. We cling to the familiar, even when it’s no longer serving us. Change requires us to face the unknown, confront our fears, and shed the versions of ourselves we’ve outgrown—and that’s no small task. It can feel monumentally huge.

But here’s the truth: staying stuck is costing you more than the discomfort of change ever will. It’s costing you your peace, your purpose, and the possibility of becoming the woman God created you to be.

In this post, we’re going to unpack why change feels so hard, how staying in your comfort zone is secretly sabotaging your growth, and, most importantly, how you can break free—step by step and with faith leading the way. Let’s get into it.

Breaking Up with False Hope

This time of year carries a certain vibe: finality and hope. We reflect on the end of one year and cling to the hope that the next will be better. But Sis, I’m not here to kill your vibe—I’m here to redirect it.

What I’ve learned this year is how to break up with the false sense of hope. Why false? Because hope without intentional change is hollow. Transformation requires not just a desire to change but a determination to follow through.

I’m telling you this from experience. I’ve had years where I was full of hope—and years of feeling stuck in despair. But this year is different. As 2024 ends, I can thankfully say I’ve made genuine changes. I’ve planted seeds that I’ll continue to water and tend in 2025. Can you say this truthfully?

Comfort Zones Are Cute, But…

Comfort zones are cute, Sis. But you know what’s even cuter?

  • Gaining ground.

  • Enlarging your territory.

  • Victorious wins.

  • Expansion.

  • Transformation.

Statistically, 80% of people fear change. That’s why we need ministers, therapists, counselors, and teachers skilled at coaching people through it. Most of the time, it’s not the change itself that’s the hardest part. It’s deciding to change and staying committed to it.

It’s not even the physical aspects of change that trip us up. It’s the mental and emotional process. Sure, the inconveniences can feel uncomfortable, but the discomfort of staying the same—while the world around you evolves—is far worse.

The Choice Is Yours

Growth and discomfort go hand in hand. So how will you choose to live in 2025? You can either:

  1. Stay stuck—frustrated, miserable, lacking, confused, and complacent.

  2. Embrace the pain of transformation—small, intentional changes that create momentum and fulfilment.

The second choice is where the blessings reside.

5 Lies We Tell Ourselves About Change

  1. “It’s too late.”
    Truth: It’s never too late until we take our last breath.

  2. “I don’t know how.”
    Truth: We have more access to information than ever. Ask yourself: what’s the real truth?

  3. “I don’t know what I want.”
    Truth: Start by discovering who God is, who He says you are, and what’s in your heart.

  4. “No one around me can help me.”
    Truth: Seek your village of like-minded people. You don’t have to settle.

  5. “I’m scared.”
    Truth: Fear is natural but shouldn’t stop you. Resolve to do it afraid. Every step, every moment—do it afraid.

Read more at The 5 Most Common Lies We Tell Ourselves About Change 

As We Prepare for 2025…

This December, don’t just hustle through the holiday season. Practice intentional self-care. Yes, rest and downtime matter, but so does communion with God. Reconnect with His essence and rediscover who you are—without the noise of others.

For the rest of this month, let’s revisit the concept of #DetoxDecember. In 2023, it was a hit. Now, we’re revisiting, relearning, and reapplying it to close out this year with intentionality and grace.

Join me this Saturday for a deeper conversation about the necessity of change. We’re better than this, Sis. It’s time to leave the excuses behind.

Nikki Cates

Moms & Grams | Wife | Believer | Life Transformation Coach & Strategist | Writer | Army Veteran | Change Agent


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