Welcome to my World of Overcoming Self-Sabotage
Nikki Cates, 2023
Hey there! Welcome to my world of overcoming self-sabotage and embracing positive change. I'm Nikki, and I've been on this journey for over a decade, striving to empower women and pursue my divine vision. But, I’m sure you already know, it hasn't always been smooth sailing.
Picture this: after years of raising kids and facing personal struggles, I decided it was time for a fresh start. I left behind a life of depression, self-hate, and poor self-image, hoping to pioneer my own path in entrepreneurship and writing. But, along the way, I faced a fierce battle with self-sabotage. Ever built a house of cards on sand? Yeah, that was me, repeatedly.
But guess what? Today, I stand before you healed, whole, and self-aware. I've grown, and I'm ready to lead. And let me tell you, you are capable of making pivotal changes too. It's never too late! We all need a little support and strategy to unleash our potential.
That's why I am creating this support system for women like myself, focusing on Peace, Prosperity, and Purpose. My faith and spiritual principles play a significant role in my life, and I also believe in applying practical strategies and management principles to achieve our goals. We're all CEOs of our lives, co-partners with our Lord in fulfilling our unique purposes.
My mission is to help you shed excuses, embrace change, and pursue the life you desire. Through understanding your motivations, establishing moderation, and mastering management, you'll witness the transformations you dream of.
Are you ready to ask the right questions and uncover the answers that will set you free? Inner peace, prosperity, and purpose are within your grasp. Don't fear change or failure; embrace your uniqueness. You hold the keys to lasting life change.
So, why are you here? What does inner peace mean to you? Is prosperity a scary concept, or are you willing to pursue it? Do you want to discover and live your purpose? These questions may resurface, but they're essential for your growth.
Stay connected as we expand beyond inspiring content. I'll be offering training, coaching, and a supportive community. Follow me on socials and subscribe to this blog for updates. I want to hear from you and learn what you need to make those crucial pivots in your life.
Remember, you've got this, and I'm here to support you all the way! Let's overcome self-sabotage and embrace a brighter, empowered future together.