No Peace: Signs of a Survival Mindset

I’ve grown to the point in my life where inner peace and surrounding peace are everything. I mean everything! 

God is a God of peace. He gives us perfect peace. He gives us peace that surpasses all understanding. I need and want that and nothing less. Maybe you can relate. 

Or maybe you’re still surrounded by drama and driven by unhealed trauma. I have a closet full of “been there, done that” t-shirts from years of chaos. I’m good at it. I’m still learning how to be good at peace. Just like you, I am a work in progress.

Let’s keep it real here. Peace is a choice. When you choose peace you and your life are ushered into transformation. It is a process, not a final destination, nonetheless, it is a choice to keep working towards. 

Choosing God’s peace looks like trusting Him to protect and provide at all times in all ways. That’s a venti order but He IS able. Choosing inner peace on a natural, everyday level looks like an intentional effort to leave behind survival mode. A survival mindset is the prison warden that keeps us imprisoned from a life of peace. 

As a member of a marginalized group or multiple marginalized communities, we have been born into survival in the United States. We live in a country where we are born or welcomed into society as insignificant and disempowered. This is not an excuse. This is a fact based on a historic record in our beloved country. We are considered powerless. But God…

Our culture and society may label us powerless. We are the opposite. We are powered by the empowerment of Divine purpose. A purpose to live life on a level of Divine intention full of love, peace, and prosperity. This is who we are meant to be. 

I read a quote on social media just yesterday so this is not mine. I am borrowing it, “I am a masterpiece trying to master peace.” Let all of us adopt this statement and be pursuers of inner peace at all costs because we at peace individually make the world around us peaceful collectively. 

So, let’s talk about this survival mindset that needs to be first recognized and then transformed from the inside out. 

Women in marginalized communities often face unique and significant challenges that can contribute to a survival mindset. Balancing multiple roles, overcoming systemic barriers, and navigating economic hardships can leave many feeling overwhelmed and constantly in survival mode. This mindset can be detrimental to personal growth and overall well-being. Recognizing the signs of a survival mindset is crucial for making meaningful changes and finding inner harmony.

What is a Survival Mindset?

A survival mindset is a state of being where an individual is focused on immediate survival rather than long-term well-being and fulfillment. This mindset is defined by intense heightened stress and a sense of being overwhelmed. It’s a reactive way of living, where the goal is simply to make it through the day.

Signs of a Survival Mindset:

Constant Overwhelm:

Feeling overwhelmed by daily responsibilities and tasks is a clear sign of a survival mindset. This overwhelm can lead to a sense of paralysis, where even simple tasks feel daunting.

Impact: Chronic overwhelm can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and a constant sense of anxiety.

High Levels of Stress and Anxiety:

Experiencing frequent or constant stress and anxiety is a hallmark of a survival mindset. This stress often manifests physically through symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, and fatigue.

Impact: Prolonged stress can have serious health consequences, including cardiovascular problems, weakened immune function, and mental health issues.

Reactive Living:

A survival mindset keeps individuals in a reactive state, constantly putting out fires and dealing with crises as they arise, rather than planning and acting proactively.

Impact: This reactive approach can lead to a lack of long-term vision and goals, resulting in stagnation in personal and professional growth. Feeling stuck consistently.

Difficulty Relaxing or Unwinding:

Those in a survival mindset often find it challenging to relax or unwind, even during downtime. Their minds are always racing with worries and to-do lists.

Impact: Inability to relax can lead to sleep problems, further exacerbating stress and decreasing overall quality of life.

Neglect of Self-Care:

Prioritizing the needs of others over one’s own health and well-being is a common sign of a survival mindset. This includes neglecting physical health, such as skipping meals or not exercising.

Impact: Neglecting self-care can lead to physical health problems, decreased energy levels, and a diminished capacity to handle stress.

Emotional Exhaustion:

Feeling emotionally drained or exhausted by the end of the day is another indicator of a survival mindset. This emotional exhaustion often results from constantly being in a heightened state of alertness.

Impact: Emotional exhaustion can lead to depression, relationship problems, and a decreased ability to cope with everyday challenges.

Preoccupation with Worries:

A survival mindset often involves a preoccupation with worries about the future or regrets about the past. This constant worry prevents individuals from being present and enjoying the moment.

Impact: Chronic worrying can lead to anxiety disorders, impaired decision-making, and reduced life satisfaction.

Difficulty Finding Joy:

Finding it hard to experience joy or satisfaction in daily activities is a common sign of a survival mindset. Individuals may go through the motions without truly engaging or finding pleasure in what they do.

Impact: Lack of joy can lead to feelings of emptiness, decreased motivation, and a diminished sense of purpose.

Recognizing the signs of a survival mindset is the first step towards shifting to a more peaceful and fulfilling way of living. Women in marginalized communities often face additional pressures that can exacerbate these signs. However, by identifying these patterns, you can begin to take proactive steps to address them. 

This week, we will explore strategies to move from a survival mindset to one of peace, where you can thrive and achieve holistic harmony. Stay tuned for practical tips and inspiring stories to guide you on this transformative journey.

Join us for our live sessions, blog posts, and interactive content this week to learn more about transitioning from survival to peace. Let’s embark on this journey together and create a life where you not only survive but thrive.

Let me know how you’re living these days. Is it surviving day to day or moving with intention and purpose towards elements of peace, prosperity, and purpose? 

Nikki Cates

Moms & Grams | Wife | Believer | Life Transformation Coach & Strategist | Writer | Army Veteran | Change Agent


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