Dear Sister, I see you.

Dear Sister,

I know you’ve been in and out of bouts of overwhelm and anxiety. Throwing in a big dose of fear and the most comforting thing to do is isolate. Even surrounded by a household of people, you still feel alone and unseen. I’m here today to remind you that you are not invisible. You are not misunderstood. You are not walking this journey alone. 

I know sometimes it feels like God is distant from you. It’s hard to feel connected to Someone or some things that are unclear. Feeling foggy is a norm. Trust me, I get it. 

Maybe you do not even feel that God is distant or disconnected. You feel unworthy or unprepared to hear from Him and what He truly desires from you. Life is already hectic and chaotic enough! Adding in His demands for obedience, calling, and surrender seems like an upheaval you do not have the energy to pursue. 

I want you to know that I see you. I see you standing on the edge, looking at where you’ve been and where you want to go. The mix of excitement and fear is overwhelming at times - excruciating even. Can I tell you? You are at a pivotal moment right now. A crossroads. A pivotal moment where your spirit is whispering that there’s more for you, more that God has designed for your life. And yet, you feel unsure and scared to step into the unknown. Will it be harder than life already is? 

Hear me, Sis, YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS. This desire you’re feeling - the urge to shift, to move, to discover what’s next - is a sign that God is stirring something in your heart. It’s no accident that you’re standing on this ledge, reflecting on the journey so far, and questioning where to go from here. You’re at the edge of purpose, my friend, and that is a sacred place. 

Maybe you’ve felt lost, dazed, and confused. Sick and tired of being sick and tired as though you’ve been walking in circles doing what you are “supposed” to do but still feeling empty and void of meaning. It’s an emotional rollercoaster. Comparing yourself to others, wondering why others seem to have found their calling, their purpose, their peace, their fulfillment while you’re still wandering and searching. If this is touching your heart and tears feel like they are close, I want to remind you that your path is your own and God’s timing is perfect for you. This moment of questioning and yearning is exactly where you need to be for what is coming next. 

Change. Transformation. Those words feel uncomfortable. I get it. And then life coaches like myself throw those around like hi and goodbye. But I’m here to remind you that you were created for so much more. Granted, you’re wondering if you’ve wasted time or will make the wrong move. That’s okay. We all feel this way. But remember Sis, it’s during our discomfort that God shapes us the most. The pain of staying where you no longer belong is far greater than the fear of stepping into the unknown. 

You were created to not just live to survive. As cliche as this may sound - he called you to thrive. 

Please understand that I am not judging you. I am telling you that we are on the same plane of reasoning. We are humans with full human nature called by the Beginning and the End  (Our Father God) to live life on His terms. We will doubt. We will question if we are worthy. We will wonder if we are ready. We will fear that we will fail. But here’s the kicker: God does not call the equipped. He equips the called. You may not even realize it but He’s preparing you every single day now, in your past, and moving into your future. You just need to trust that He holds your future in His hands and is leading you along the road to fulfillment. 

So, take a deep breath. Lean into this restlessness. It may feel uncertain and uncomfortable but remember: choosing growth can feel like you’re leaping off a building. The alternative is more years living in this space of unhappiness. Step out, sister! 

This is our time! Our time to trust the process, trust God’s timing, and trust ourselves. When we put this out into the world we see the reciprocity of love, provision, protection, peace, and purpose boomerang back into our lives. It’s time to stop waiting for someone else to come hold our hands and grab the reigns ourselves. 

It’s time to stop sitting in our pity pits and start climbing out of the ditch. It’s time to start recognizing the lies that we war against unintentionally. It’s time to put truth at the forefront of our minds and hearts. It’s time to seek healing for our souls. It’s time to stop allowing adversity to win. We are warriors but a soft life comes from choosing to no longer fight battles that do not need to be fought. Peace comes in fighting the battles that bring true deliverance, empowerment, and transformation. Everything else no longer deserves our time. 

It is time for you to trust God’s process because obviously, the world’s processes are what keep us enslaved and oppressed to unhappiness, lack of fulfillment, and impoverishment. Let’s start standing in God’s delegated power to break every chain. 

It’s never too late to turn away from what no longer serves us and embrace the battles that actually gain ground for His Kingdom and for our betterment. 

So step out, Sis. Run and find solace in the community of your fellow sisters on the same journey. Be encouraged and empowered to stand ten toes down for who he has said that you are. Take your peace, joy, and purpose by choice. 

Let’s walk this out together. 

With love and faith, 


Nikki Cates

Moms & Grams | Wife | Believer | Life Transformation Coach & Strategist | Writer | Army Veteran | Change Agent


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